Employee recognition strategies are designed to appreciate the efforts of the employees publicly and socially. This gets them to boost their self-confidence and feel respected amongst their colleagues. Employees being an inevitable part of a company must be recognized and respected for their work through different programs. The whole purpose is to make them feel celebrated towards their job.
Benefits of Employee Recognition
Appreciation is a fundamental need of every human being. When employees feel appreciated and recognized for their individual contributions they feel more connected to their work, their team, and their organization or company as a unit.
Some other benefits of employee recognition are:-
- Increased productivity and engagement
- Decreased employee turnover
- Greater employee satisfaction and enjoyment of work
- Improved team culture
- Higher loyalty and satisfaction scores from customers
- Increased retention of quality employees
- Decreased stress and absenteeism
Employee Recognition Strategies
The following 10 specific employee recognition strategies are effective ways to recognize and reward your employees:
1. Make it personal
Always make use of positive words, and explain to the employee that you actually understand their accomplishments.
2. Provide opportunities
Employees should be provided with some opportunities for expanded responsibilities and training for job advancement.
3. Intensify recognition
While verbal communication is clearly the most effective way to recognize employees, the best strategy is to back it up by publicizing employee accomplishments across multiple forums such as company newsletters, dashboards, and team meetings.
4. Motivate with financial incentives
Financial incentives not being the best motivators always but they can certainly demonstrate appreciation for work well-performed. The best monetary incentives are unpredictable because they motivate employees to give their best at all times.
5. Holiday rewards and bonuses must be given
The best practices for awarding holiday bonuses include offering a standard bonus or gift package and rewarding people for outstanding performance with special awards, extra cash bonuses, holiday gifts or recognition for the yearly performance.
7. Peer-to-peer recognition
An employee must be recognized by his colleagues. That is the best appreciation that one expects that people with whom he/she works recognize him because of his/her work. Many companies implement peer-to-peer recognition programs to engage the new generation of flexible workers.
8. Recognising employee’s passions
Employees love to be recognized for their outside activities, hobbies, and passions because it prevents people from feeling as if they’re just cogs in the business machine. Passions can also work as rewards in their own right. You can organize singing or art competitions or some kind of sports activity to encourage your employees.
9. Use technology and social media to publicize accomplishments
Social Media platforms must be used as an effective tool to publish the accomplishments of your employees. This provides them a feeling of respect and pride.
10. Recognize Specific Contributions
It is imperative to call out specific actions when recognizing employees. Why? Doing so makes it clear to employees exactly what they did to get rewarded in this way.
11. Make Recognition Inclusive
It is an inevitable part of every workplace that certain employees consistently shine. While it might be tempting and feel almost natural to recognize these employees frequently, doing so can instill a sense of resentment and resignation among the other fellow employees who rarely receive recognition. You can entirely avoid this scenario by diversifying the parties responsible for giving recognition. Also, Rotating the responsibility each time will work, as well, although this strategy might entail a bit more time to get everyone in the loop.
12. Provide Recognition on a Regular Basis
Especially in the digital age people’s attention spans are short. Do not keep large time spans between the feedback to your employees. Make it a point to recognize selected employees at least once per month, if not weekly.
13. Stress How Contribution get along with Company Values
A strong company environment is essential for the long-term success of any company and values are one of the basic building blocks of company culture. Tying employee actions to this all-important foundation imbues these contributions with meaning and encourage employees to work toward a common goal.
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